Nicely done Richard! A nice retrospective, gives one some good examples of what to look for going forward

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This is great! Thanks Richard!

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Richard, This was Fantastic! I started reviewing it, then I dissected it and before I new it almost 5 hours later I completed my education from your Awesome Study. You Nailed it! It would be helpful to know when you started your position what size initially? Then Why? that amount? How much position percentage you added each add on opportunity. Position sizing is an area I need a lot more education on. I was in the trade SMCI but because I was taking profit into strength I ran out of Shares. If you could please help with this type of education would be most helpful and appreciated. Thank you again for a Terrific post.

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Excellent summary with lots of details on how we could have caught some of this run ups. Extremely educational!! Thanks for all your work!!!

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Thanks for deep-diving into these, this is great. It's a bit hindsight 20/20 but it's educational in the hopes of catching a wave upfront and to have a higher chance of seeing the opportunities as they form. Wish I caught the Nov 2 wave, but I was having a hard time being aggressive at that point in time.

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No problem.

Yes we are looking at these stocks in retrospect to study their moves, however many of these stocks and moves were pointed out in real time here.

We study the past to recognize the price and volume moves as they happen.

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Excellent resource! Could you do one on where you’d put stop loss’s to manage risk

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You only caught just one of the education/learning stocks, DUOL. There have been so many others in that hot group for many months now. I bought EDU in late July and still hold it, and actually have been adding to it all these months. But, again, I always appreciate you sharing your observations

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